Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The title might seem to be weird because of the negative publicity currently BJP is withdrawing be it the Jinnah episode, MP’s being bribed or Sanjay Joshi episode.
Many people have predicted the death knell for the party saying that it will never come out of this turmoil or probably it won’t celeberate it’s next quarter centenary celebrations.

I am not an astrologer to predict future of anybody leave aside a large organization like BJP. BJP may or may not be around in next 25 years but it has made itself immortal in the history of independent India. There are many reasons for it, some are listed below-:

Accept it or not, BJP only ushered India in a two party system or gave a credible alternative to Congress (I) in last 60 years of independence. All others be it the Janata Party or Dal or any party was noway near it.

BJP adopted an aggressive & nationalist stands on many issues. Be it developing a credible nuclear deterrent or Kashmir. The policy paid clear dividends during nuclear explosions when the whole world was slamming sanctions against us. But Atalji maintained his stand and on the other hand kept dialogue window open.

It’s the only party which has called the “spade a spade” i.e it has always seen secularism as a way to plead minorities and vote bank politics which actually led to partition of India. And thus it has become a favorite punching bag of media, pseudo secularists and the intellectuals. Eg-: even while declaring reservations for SC/ST Congress has kept out institutions run by minorities, thus giving them special status.

It is truly a right-winged party against the so called leftist, even Congress with it’s current behavior seems to be leftist. Seeing the UPA performance which has so many champions of liberalization, the NDA was far bolder in not only taking decisions but also framing policies.

It’s a party which is run by professionals who have achieved the status on their own merit and not because they are sons/ daughters or members of particular family. No other party, you name it be Congress,Samajwadi,Communist, or Telugu desam is managed by a group of meritorious individuals.

Although Jinnah episode was sad, but it still demonstrated the ideological core which if mishandled can fireball anybody’s career, be it Advani or anybody. The partymen were of clear opinion that the statements made were incorrect and hence he must resign. (Imagine Sonia making a similar statement would she be forced to resign?)

All said and done the current events have definitely taken unfortunate turns. But Advani’s remarks that “we should turn back to basics” is a welcome sign. In recent years especially after the 2004 elections BJP seems to have lost it’s way, but still it won major victories in Jharkhand & Bihar which show that voters are still with them.

If BJP learns from these mistakes and corrects it’s course towards basics of development, transparent governance & nationalism. It can still carry the tag of “Party with a Difference”. For who knows “When the Resurrection comes”.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Shame Shame!!!!!!
Indian democracy seems to be achieving nadir of decadence in public life. But the problem is that we are sliding down a abyss. Recently Indian MP’s were caught on a camera with taking bribes. That too for asking questions which probably is their only work left. The worst part is amount ranges from 15k-100k. These are our policy makers whom we trust with our futures.

But actually we cannot blame them…we all are responsible for it. In Sanskrit there is a saying that “King is just a depicition of public”. These MP’s are one of us so they are selfish, greedy & corrupt. Can we blame them when almost 50% of people don’t vote.
Almost all of the governments are alliance cobbled up just to stay in power. No party gets more than 40 % of total votes which is less than 20 % of total.

Now is there a talk that people need to be given a right of calling their representatives back. That means the solution is more foolish than problem itself. Nobody is talking of making this people more accountable. The selection of these candidates should be made more transparent.

That too it was disclosed on 12th December, a day before 4th anniversary of “Parliament Attack”. Our democracy is in danger of internal as well as external foes. External are terrorists and neighbours but internal are much more than them.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

A Strange coincidence!
Well, writing after a long time. November has been a month of turmoil. Especially the so called right wing parties (BJP & Sena) are facing one of the worst turmoil of their life.
But the blog is about killing of 2 Indians. The coincidence among them is both were killed (murdered) while performing their duty in far flung areas from home.

The one I am talking about is Manjunath (IIM-L alumni & IOC sales officer) who was killed when he detected adulteration in petrol at a petrol pump. The economics of cross subsidization killed a person who was just performing his duty. But our leaders have come and gone without realizing that subsidies carry no meaning if they don’t reach the target. In this case it’s kerosene…..petrol& diesel actually have the same production cost as kerosene. However they are way above costlier than kerosene….thanks to our policy makers we have ended up subsidizing kerosene, so that poor can afford this fuel. But it actually ends up in our fuel tanks because pump owners and even some oil cos want to make quick bucks. The result poor suffer more, environment pollution and even murders of such innocent persons. It’s a 10,000 crore business…..

The second one is Maniappan Kutty…..who was a BRO (Border Roads Organisation) driver and was involved in road construction project in Afghanistan. He was abducted by Taliban and brutally murdered, to give a warning to India to stop all development activities in the war ravaged country. The message is clear Taliban (also read Pakistan), does’nt want it’s arch rival to earn good points of Afghani people. As engagement of India increases in this country so does the uneasiness of Taliban and their masters. India should think of deploying it’s army for the safety of government servants working in this hostile country.

Their souls may rest in peace and GOD give their family members courage in this time of providence.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Shubh Deepawali !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Deepawali is nearing and so it’s enthusiasm is touching sky high. All sorts of sales and discounts have swarmed the market to lure the customer. Whenever Diwali arrives we hear the story of how residents of Ayodhya celebrated this festival of lights on the occasion of returing of Sree RAM.

But in my school days I read a fantastic essay about Diwali. It was by Hazariprasad Dwivediji about the nature of Diwali. Till date I have not come across a more better explanation. Diwali is one of the most auspicious days in HINDU religion. Many readers must be knowing that Hindu’s have 3 ½ most auspicious occasions and Diwali is one of them. But it falls on Amavasya which is considered unholy.

Leaving that apart, what Dwivediji’s argument was that on diwali, Lakshmi puja holds a special significance. It is not only worship but it is a tryst with goddess of wealth that one will strive to acheive equitable distribution of wealth. Quite in line with what our economist strive for. ISLAM has a similar concept of ZAKAT in which well to do muslims donate money so that their poor brethren can celebrate Id. A nice food for thought for the coming DIWALI.

So SHUBH DEEPAWALI to all of you.

Moreover some thoughts on 2 issues….first one about recent spat between Murthy and Devegowda. Well that shows what thoughts our Netas have about IT in 21st century. No doubt INDIA lacks on all the development indicators and China is catching up fast even in this forte of us.

The other about musings of Iranian president about Israel and wiping it off the map. Leaders have come and gone with this dream in their eyes. Just after establishment, Israel was attacked by 5 nations and still it was not wiped off but emerged victorious. Even if Israel becomes endangered we should extend our support against one common enemy and i.e Islamic terrorism. These words from president are just an indication that even leaders share the same thought about so called “infidels “.

Let me end with “Long live India, Long live Zionism”

Monday, October 24, 2005

A tale of TWO Indias ???????

The title is similar to one of the most famous novels from one of the most famous novelists. But the blog is about two different Indias which co-exist here……one which is being challenged and the other which is challenging the world…..

First about the challenger……which is growing at an awesome pace of 6-8% annually inspite of lethargic governance. It is giving rise to a new clout of Indian companies with Indian professionals who are scouting the globe for opportunities. Today DNA carried headlines of a professor from Nagpur, Dr Asha Zadgaonkar who has commercialized the process of creating fuel from plastic waste. Since I am a Nagpurite…I had heard about her 3-4 yrs ago. But then there was a silence and now it is said that she has perfected it and is now being wooed from many countries for technology. She is planning to scale it up for the phenomenal demand. We are going to see more of such challengers in every field ,and India needs them in all fields. Be it Mr. Rajendra Singh for water conservation…or Dr Shanta for cancer treatment or Dr Asha for technology. This India is what we hear about a lot and tend to believe that.

The other India is being challenged by terrorism,violence,casteism….Recently muslim organizations have formed a “United Democratic Front” in Assam. You would say nothing great in that everybody is free to form institutions at will. But the inspiration behind this comes from “Jamait-e-Ulema-e-Hind” whose student wing was SIMI which was banned by then NDA government for anti-national activities. The president of UDF is the person who also heads JUH in Assam. These organizations have always been supportive of the illegal influx from Bangladesh. They can influence results in 40/126 assembly seats.

Muslim population has grown by 20% according to last census in Assam. No state is growing at this rate..so there is a clear case of illegal immigration. But still Mr Gogoi (CM of Assam) says there is no immigration. Don’t get awed by the response it is a shameless act of vote-bank politics. These immigrants are voters of Congress so they are being protected by them (Even in Mumbai, Sunil Dutt supported them for votes). Jinnah had a unfinished dream of integrating Assam with Pakistan but all our politicians seem to be working towards it. This India is not growing but is actually degrading.

North-East can be a great money spinner because of it’s access to China,Bangladesh and Burma. It is one of the most bio-diverse regions in the world and can be a rice bowl of India. Tourism can be another million dollar business. Opportunities are immense if our so called ‘Janata ke Sevak’ see national cause and not vote banks. If this India is not integrated with the other one no body can continue for long.


Saturday, October 15, 2005

SALAAM to the BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My day begins with encounter with the best…I go to the nearest bus stop catch the bus at a particular time and reach my workplace. Well you will say nothing great in that,everybody does that. But what we don’t notice everyday or rather take it for granted is the on time availability. (exceptions do exist)
But seeing the condition of Mumbai roads, rising traffic BEST still makes a mark. Buses still arrive within 5-10 mins of their schedule. Along with it the level of customer service is amazing. Most of the conductors, carrying this volume of traffic, still ensure that everybody buys ticket, change is returned and this with amazing efficiency and politeness. (there have been very few instances when altercation erupts)
BEST everyday carries 4 million passengers…but still incurs a loss. Causes are many…now rising fuel costs have added to the woes. But this blog is not about this. For people like me who come from the hinterland…..BEST & Local services are simply amazing.
So what’s the big deal?

Unleash them…….Form a company for BEST & Mumbai Urban transport….not like the one currently exisiting…but with more autonomy and ones which can follow their commercial interest ,and not take order from some MLA/MP who most of the times don’t understand B of business.
The result will be organizations who have behind them decades of experience of running public transport and can provide such services in other part of India as well. They might compete with state or private entities if required.

But where will the funds come from ?.Already India spends 25 billion $ on fuel bill…..taxes collected through them can be pumped into such entities and the return can be not only in monetary from but also in cutting down the bill.

There are several such examples of state PSU’s which instead of selling off should be made more independent and commercial. Take the example of MSEB now unbundled into 4 entities.
It has been ridiculed for bad customer service and power failures….but few people know that it has second largest generation capacity after NTPC.(NTPC has m-cap of 68000 crs) It has PLF (plant load factor) a measure of efficency, comparable with best in INDIA. The same logic can be applied here….unleash it. Let there be a autonomous board responsible for MSEB which can decide the policy matters and execution part can be left to the engineers. The result one more power company which can compete within India for operating power projects and deliver power efficiently.

But we are so much obsessed with disinvestment that we can’t see any other way of reviving the public sector. Ultimately once disinvested, the property which has been created over 30-40 yrs of diligence, is sold off instead of which private sector can be encouraged to create more capacity which India desperately needs be it in transport, electricity, petrochemicals, heavy industries etc.

Don’t believe me….even Lee Iacocca in his autobiography had severely criticized American co’s intention of M&A’s. Which only leads to larger co’s and does’nt create new technologies or new capacity. The same logic can be extended to disinvestment as well.

SO what do you say?????

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

My last blog might have seemed ridiclulous, but similar article appeared in INDIAN EXPRESS suggesting of strategic tie up with Vietnam to counter China. But today I would like to discuss about 2 topics-:


The title might be contradictory suggesting of the sole superpower and one of the most troubled states of India. But connections do exist. Recently in a Human Right conference in USA, activists ridiculed India for it’s poor record in stopping atrocities against Dalits. The activist were members of Senate who expressed concern over the sufferings of Dalits. But the greater concern was that conversions of these backward people leads to their progress. And Indian constitution does not grant the same benefits ( read reservations) as Dalits on their converted brethren. Also so called communalists (read RSS and other NGO’s) try to revert the progress by reconversion of these Dalits. The writing on the wall is clear, American Senate members supporting the mass conversions carried out by missionaries with force or money.

Now coming to TRIPURA, everyone knows Durga puja has a large following in Eastern India and even in North East. But many states like Tripura have seen massive conversions to Christianity and rise of terrorist organizations supported by Church.

So during Durga puja these outfits make a declaration that Puja is banned in the state and who so ever defying the rule will meet the consequences. Although the connection seems weird , but when one sees the strategic location of N-E, it is perfectly located between China & India. It is also a door to South East Asia, one of the regions with most frenetic economic growth. Most of the missionaries are funded by Europe & US who then carry out the holy mission in India and also foster secessionist movements.

Fortunately this year some clubs have decided to defy such orders and carry out puja in a large scale.

Terrorists organizations have declared a ceasefire seeing the massive destruction caused in Kashmir due to quake. Their leader Salahuddin has gone far in suggesting that they must offer a helping hand to suffering people. Nothing can be described a better farce than this ploy. Terrorism has lost it’s glamour in J&K. Pakistan has been trying desperately to rekindle the local support for this movement. But every time it has faced a bitter defeat.

Now in case of such a calamity where even the cruelest of being will lend a helping hand, Pakistan is playing tricks by trying to win local sympathy. The best helping hand can be shutting down the terror network and fighting against a common enemy i.e POVERTY.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dump the SECURITY COUNCIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!
It might sound insane because of all the hoopla going on this subject. Some claiming that we are very close to getting a permanent seat while others claiming that we do not stand a chance. But is it worth that we should surrender everything just to sit as a permanent member in that council which has achieved so little in last 50 years of it’s existence.

Time and again it has been proved that “POWER RULES”. Remember that America continued it’s attacks on Bosnia even when Security council did’nt ratify it.(Remember Chinese embassy was attacked). Invasion of Iraq was carried out even without it’s consent. It could’nt do anything on the Kashmir issue even when Pakistan and China were clear aggressors.
But people obsessed with it will say that we will get a veto power which we can use in case of Kashmir. But then every member has it, so neither can it harm nor can it advance our interests.

Even if we see what have we surrendered for just getting that seat which still seems elusive.
1) We voted against IRAN which has been our sole supporter in OIC against Pakistan.
2) We signed that shady Nuclear co-operation treaty which nobody is clear what it’s gonna deliver.
For past 5-6 yrs our policy has been clearly pro-US even when it means surrendering our interests just for this seat.
The solution is simple, get your basics right. Stop contributing for peace keeping forces of UN. Why should a poor nation like India spend it’s valuable resources on these battles which in no way benefits us?

Go on modernizing your forces so that we can be major power in the Indian ocean which controls majority of crude oil flows to China & US.

Destabilize Pakistan & China by giving support to their dissidents and clearly showcasing our offensive strategy by not accepting any misadventures like Kargil or China claiming Arunachal.

Engage in more & more business with EU,US & ASEAN so that commercial interest force these powers to be on good terms with India.

There is no possibility in future of a war between US & India because everybody knows that defeating a nation of 1 billion people is near to impossible.

So our motto should be the one liner

Monday, September 26, 2005

Marathi Mansa Jaga Ho !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Maharashtra get out of your slumber)
Sunday is normally a day of reading, when one can really scan newspapers at leisure.
While going through one of the dailies I found a comparative analysis of different states.
It argued that normally in case of nations poor nations grow faster and catch up with the rich ones. But in case of Indian states the phenomena is reversed, laggards are lagging more & more while richer states(read southern) are growing faster.

The fact that shocked me to core was that Maharshtra and Bihar had the same average growth rate in per capita income for last 10 years.

Till my childhood I used to hear with pride that Maharashtra is the most industrialized state, rich farmers, good irrigation, power rich and supplying to neighbours. But within 10 years myopic leaders who just could’nt look beyond their tenure, brought it in the league of one of the worst off states in India.

It’s not the case that Maharashtra was good in manufacturing but could’nt survive in Service era. Pune & Bangalore were at the same status at the start of 90’s, while Karnataka and their entrepreuners really saw a sunrise opportunity, Maharashtra just allowed it to pass like any other wave. Thus we have an eyewash, Bangalore exports 6 billion $, Pune (1 billion $). Even now almost all the 2 tier cities of Maharashtra like Nagpur, Nasik, Aurangabad etc have all the factors necessary for becoming a IT hotspot i.e cheap real estate& large number of graduate colleges for manpower. But while Mysore, Coimbatore,Vizag,Noida,Chandigarh,& Gurgaon are buzzing with activity, these cities look sleepy and devoid of any activity.

The archaic tax laws (M.H is the only one still collecting Octroi) have hollowed out manufacturing and Gujarat has grown on it’s expense( look at Vapi & Ankaleshwar.)
Labour unions are equally responsible for this fate (Datta Samant !!!!!!!!!).

No need to comment about BSP (Bijli, Sadak & Pani).

Hope we get out of this slumber and once again sing “Jai-Jai Maharashtra Mazha”

Friday, September 23, 2005

SHUT UP Mr.CHOPRA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
21st Sept might be the most shameful day for Indian Freedom movement.
Defence lawyer from Yash Chopra’s side argued that Mangal Pandey was not a freedom fighter.Readers must be knowing that a legal war is waging on the image of Mangal Pandey being portrayed in the film.
The argument first of all contradicts the publicity of the film which said “One man rises against the Empire” which only depicts him as a patriot. But we can leave that aside saying that our beloved Mr.Chopra & Aamir Khan must have forgotten it in their arguments.
But what do the historic facts suggest?. V.D.Savarkar who is known as the authority on war of 1857. And who was the first to proclaim that it was not a sepoy mutiny but the “First War of Independence” honored him by saying that if someone can claim the first right to have sacrificed himself for the cause of independence from British yoke it was MANGAL PANDEY. Every history textbooks we have read glorifies this simple soldier from Barrackpore regiment as a glorious freedom fighter who did’nt hesitate to sacrifice his life so that his beloved motherland may see glory.
It was his defiance of the empire that triggered one of the most organized assault on the foreign rule. It was the only attempt in which Hindus & Muslims truly fought hand in hand against the calamity from Europe. We really felt that these so called ‘Gora Sahab’ can be brought to his knees and sent back to London. The feeling got culminated in 1947 when we finally got our Swaraj although a partitioned one.
But no sort of high ideals have been shown in the film. It revolves only about Mangal, Hira (who is she and where did she come from?), Jwala(??), and an English sepoy. Mangal looks more like a mercenary who takes bhang, enjoys whores and suddenly rises against the empire. Somebody even went as far as to claim that he did everything under effect of Bhang and no patriotic feelings. Then why did’nt he plead innocence when he was being court marshaled or hanged.

But then I realized that Bollywood is expert in making only romantic films and crash commercialistic, which are more interested in showing scantily dressed women and intimate scenes rather than historic facts. The film flunked on box office and that is the best way to show it’s caliber.

But Mr Chopra must be told to refresh his knowledge of history and keep his mouth shut.
The tendency of showing historical figures, who are our ideals in bad light should be damned and film makers must be dragged to court when they seem to digress like “The Rising”. Even the court must stop the screening of the movie when it’s concept is under question. Because “Justice delayed is Justice denied”.Now one more movie is coming “Bajirao Mastani”……the name only suggests what part of this great warrior’s life must have been highlighted……………

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

9/11 gone by.
It has been 2 days past 9/11. We all remembered how the globe changed after the incident. The hot pursuit of terrorism by the sole superpower and still the all pervasive image of Al-Qaeda. But we as Indians should have remembered one more event in a much more assertive way.

The Parliament of Religions which started on the same day in 1893 at Chicago.And our beloved Swami Vivekananda started his immortal speech as representative of Hinduism with golden words of “My American Brothers and Sisters.”
It has been said in Geeta that whenever Adharma raises it’s ugly head in this world Lord comes as a saviour. Same was the situation before the event. The British rule had strengthened it’s grip over India. People had lost their conscience and started praising the foreign yoke. Everything European was considered supreme and everything was Indian substandard to it.

But a simple graduate from Calcutta university and a disciple of the care taker of Dakshineshwar temple not only challenged all this but turned it upside down. He proudly proclaimed that I belong to a religion which has taught the world, tolerance and mutual acceptance and which always gave shelter to people from tyranny. Americans were stunned to listen and were astonished that Indians have achieved the pinnacle of thought and knowledge about the most complex problem faced by humans i.e SELF.

India too arose to acknowledge this beloved son of HERS. Everywhere Swamiji went he was welcomed and received showers of praise. India and Indians were not remain the same after this. They realized that India still carries in it’s bosom the most spectacular culture of the world and it has been again proved by this MONK. Swamiji’s speeches indirectly cultivated a feeling of pride and encouraged discontent among people about the current situation. NATIONALISM was on the rise.

It is recorded that once he said “ I clearly forsee BHARAT MATA sitting on the throne of eternal glory resplendent like never before. The future lies on us, it’s time to work”

The DREAM is still unfulfilled LET’S strive to make it a reality.

Monday, September 05, 2005

A very positive and encouraging step from the INDIAN EXPRESS GROUP. The India Explained : India Empowered series is what India really needs. The media has wasted a lot of energy in highlighting only the negativities of India. In place if this main columns of democracy will highlight positive changes, like the above mentioned in society, things will definitely change for the better.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Where are the Great Mughals?
The article made me think as to why Mughals after their 200 years of misrule and plunder are still called GREAT. Don’t believe me, here are the facts which we tend to ignore. Let us start from the their founder-:
BABAR-: The first GREAT mughal who is known to be a great lover of arts and architecture. Then why did he break the magnificient Ram Mandir at Ayodhya.Babar was also of the habit of butchering the conquered people and making a hill of their heads, same habit of his great ancestors GENGHIS KHAN & TAMERLANE. How can a descendant of such tyrants be a great ruler?. All these rumours of greatness, seem to emanate from a diary which BABUR , himself wrote.

Humayun’s rule was not a prominent one, but coming to the most famous of them-:

AKBAR-: This great Din-e-Elahi founder buthcered around 40,000 rajputs after his victory at Chittorgarh. His lecherous attitude is famous because of Meena bazaar & harem of 5000 women. The greatness of Akbar rests upon a diary Aine-e-Akbari which was written by one of his courtiers Abul Fazal, whom many historians call as useless sychophant. He was a illiterate and fond of wine and women, still India calls him 'the Great.' Actually Rana Pratap was GREAT who took up the task of opposing Akbar and destroyed his rule in much of Mewar.

SHAHJAHAN:Famous for his Taj Mahal, which till now remains controversial as Hindu temple. The author has himself seen that Taj Mahal carries a kalash & srifal (coconut) in place of moon & star (islamic symbol) at it's top. Only a child will beleive that Shah was so secular that he installed a hindu symbol on the tomb. He fought 48 battles in his 20 yrs of reign, mostly for loot & plunder. The country reeled under severe drought and famines, Deccan which he desperately wanted to conquer is a testimony of that.

AURANGZEB: Everybody is aware of the intolerance and cruelty his reign unleashed on the populace and ultimatelt led to downfall of Mughal empire, which the Marathas rightly replaced and not the British as reported.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

India again made a demand of Dawood Ibrahim along with 29 other criminals to Pakistan. This time it is reported that we have provided more proofs and official address of the deadly traitor.
The news of India making a demand to Pakistan about criminals but Pakistan denying it outrightly and proclaiming innocence makes me yawn.

When are we going to wake up to reality. In management there is a concept of BCG matrix for company's business portfolio. Businesses are classified as Question marks,Stars,Cash Cows and dogs. the same situation applies to Pakistan, currently Dawood is a cash cow and no body is fool to butcher it. They have leveraged his network to spread terror, fake currency as well as narcotic trade.

But still our great leaders hope that their friendly neighbour will hand them the criminals which Pakistan has so devloped. The solution is simple and staightforward: STOP BEGGING START KILLING.
Israel stands as the best testimony to what sabotage operations can do. Starting from Adolf Eichmann (cheif architect anti-JEW pogrom) who was abducted from Argentinana and brought to Israel and hanged. Several Nazi members also suffered the same fate. Mossad assasinated many Palestine and Hamas terrorists thorugh it's agents or networks. It not only created an image that anybody playing with the Jewish lives will pay in the same way but also put a curb on their activities.

India should also follow the same path, by giving it's intelligence agencies authority to plan sabotage activities in Pakistan and exploit the fissures in their system. Be it the MQM, Jiye Sindh, Shia-Sunni conflicts or anti -Musharraf sentiments.
The need is to stop begging for these criminals but making them pay through their lives.BLOOD FOR BLOOD, nothing else.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Krishna: A Ray of Light

Today it’s JANMASHTMI, birthday of Shree Krishna, eight avatar of Shree Vishnu who is creator of this universe. We regard Krishna as Purnavatar, one who was expert in all 16 arts identified in Hindu mythology. Actually Shree Krishna resembles a ray of white light which encompasses in it all colours of the world.

As you view through a prism you start experiencing different shades of his personality.
In one way he was an activist who fought for rights of people residing in Gokul. He opposed the model in which Mathura as an urban centre was sucking out milk & butter and distributed it among children who were left impoverished.

When the need arose he led the revolt against Kans not being intimidated by his power and authority. He fought for the people and freed them from the tyranny. But like a true YOGI renounced the kingdom and passed it on to his grandfather and Kans’ father.

As an ultimate strategist he devised how pandavas should take on kauravas and left no stone unturned to make a truce between them. But during the battle he was fighter of the fighters and to save his dearest friend ARJUNA he took on Bhishma.

On the other hand he was a great materialist who adviced his followers to live life to the fullest. That’s why Swami Vivekananda once said that Indians who almost have a renouncing attitude towards life should instead see Krishna as an ideal who was a YOGI even while leading a great life.

The pinnacle of his glory came as philosopher when on the battlefield he inspired Arjuna to fight and GEETA was born. Probably no bunch of ideas must have influenced such a huge mass of people around the globe. Moreover the ideas as fresh as they have been conceived by someone who belongs to today and not past.

But still the doubt remains whether Krishna was a real human being or a mythological figure. Even Gandhiji said once that Mahabharata seems to me the fight between higher and basic instincts of human being and thus Krishna emerges as the ATMAN to which everybody has to orient his life towards.

But ideally Krishna’s personality is such as described in shloka which says “ If earth is made paper, sea the inkpot, pen is made of Parijataka tree, & Saraswaty devi continues to write for time immortal still O’ Lord there is no end to your virtues”


Friday, August 26, 2005

Sheshadriji: May your tribe increase.
“ Abou Ben Adhem may his tribe increase”
were some of the lines I remember from a famous poem. The poem is in form of a story in which a person called Abou Ben Adhem meets an angel who is preparing a list of beloved people of GOD. Abou does’nt find his name there so asks the angel to write his name in the list of persons who love their fellowmen.
After a few days the angel appears again, and same question arises but this time Abou finds his name all above the rest in beloved list because of his love for fellowmen.

I was reminded of the same story when I heard the death of Shri Sheshadriji (Sarkaryavah of the RSS). He died at the ripe age of 79.This man was of no simple status, he was a gold medalist in M.Sc and a renowned writer. One of his works got SAHITYA ACADEMY award from the Karnataka govt. Although having such super human capabilities which could have earned him all the comforts of life, he devoted his life to a cause just because of love for his fellowmen.

His fine organizational skills & problem analysis made him rise through the ranks to highest echelons of RSS. He could have been SARSANGHACHALAK but denied because of his ill health and remained probably the longest serving SARKARYAVAH (dy SARSANGHACHALAK). His good literature skills enabled him to compile the vast information about RSS in an attractive format. His book “RSS: A vision in Action” can clarify all the doubts about the motives of Sangh.

But the saddest part of the whole episode that all major newspapers and media channels reported death of such a great personality as side news. Although if it had been a case of anybody maligning the RSS it would have made headlines. But he will continue to live in the hearts of thousands of svayamsevaks.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

On 58th Birthday.

A birthday is special, but 58th birthday holds a special place in a person’s life. A man/woman retires on this day. It’s mostly a day of farewell and contemplation about the worklife that has been, what has been achieved in place of what could have been and how this post work life would be.

But if we compare a person to a nation 58 years are an iota of time as concept of nation extends beyond time. However still it breeds a thought about how we wanted our nation to be and how it is.

The era after independence was of euphoria, about birth of a nation to “tryst with destiny”.We had a belief that we will create a just and equal society and bring peace in this war torn world.

The dream has not only soured but it has turned into nightmare. We probably have the largest mass of humans living in sub-human conditions. A populace marred by poverty and illiteracy with deep fissures on basis of cast, creed, sex and religion although our constitution guarantees equality. Victims of a riots which occurred 21 years earlier still await justice just because the accused were some bigwigs.

Leave aside peace in the world but our own house is in disarray. Terrorism has killed more Indians than any other nationals. J&K with North-East are terror havens of the world where government has succumbed before the terrorist pressures. ( Recently Naga student unions blocked Highways to Manipur bringing life to a halt in this state and our Central and State governments watched meekly).

We dreamt of becoming a developed nation and had the brightest prospects among all the colonies, but on 58th birthday we share the lowest place in Human development index and per capita income. Our so called Commercial capital is inundated by floods due to few hours of rains which we dream of making financial capital of Asia.

But still we keep living, hoping that one day the situation will change, somebody will arrive and clean up this whole mess and make us strong prosperous. Forgetting that no nation can achieve that status without an enlightened mass of people. People who will fight for the rights but also not shy away from responsibilities. All the problems we see around.... we tend to blame on politicians or the erstwhile British Raj. But where are we as a people.........why do we ignore when the riots happen at first place and do’nt nip them in the bud..........why do we bribe to get our work done and then cry over rampant corruption.......why we do’nt we question when someone is cutting a tree and then cry over decreasing forests.......why we do’nt question when some vehicle pollutes........

The point is we have to stand up as people and then only will this whole situation change and it will change so fast that world will look in awe.

BUT THE NEED IS OF ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE........did’nt Swami Vivekananda said “Give me five dedicated men and I will change the world.” We are a billion.

Otherwise this situation will remain the same and again a Ghalib will say “ Hazaaron Khwahishen aisi...............phir be mere Armaan hi lekin kum nikle”