Friday, August 14, 2009

Six decades or Six thousand years......

62 years are a flash for a country which has evolved over a thousand years. It has it’s share of happiness and tears. Last thousand years have seen more of tears than smiles.But exactly 62 years ago on this day we received a fractured independence because of partition. It was a day of joy because we were free again but also of sorrow because a large part of our beloved motherland was being separated from us. Different times of our history have had different heroes who changed destiny. I am going to talk of those times-:

In recorded history the first person to imagine this nation of continental proportions was CHANAKYA who after seeing Alexander’s invasion and our weaknesses, decided that the only answer was a strong centrally controlled empire which is aware that this is one nation from Hindukush to Bay of Bengal. Chandragupta Maurya, his disciple and the founder of Mauryan empire mad this a reality and so India enjoyed invasion free centuries till Ashoka. He might have been the inspiration behind Sardar Patel who amalgamated the princely states to create a unified India.

The period which is referred as Golden Age of India or which coined the term of Golden sparrow about India was the Gupta Empire. The nation was in forefront in arts, literature, science, trade and was brimming with prosperity. It had invasions from Huns but the emperors stopped it at the gates and even gave their lives for it. The same time needs to be revived again where INDIA is at the forefront of all aspects of life.

Then were the dark ages starting from attack of Muhammad Bin Qasim in 712 AD on Sindh and our millennium long struggle for freedom. The unified front formed by armies of 17 kingdoms against Mahmud Ghazni’s nephew who also came for plunder but had to pay his life for the misadventure shows that united we stand and divided we fall. When all was lost and the barbarians ruled the roost and nobody imagined of taking them to task, saints reinforced our faith. Tulsidas, Kabir, Nanak, Meerabai, Dnyaneshwar, Namdeo, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the list is long who taught us not to lose hope but keep faith in DHARMA and slowly but surely fight back for it’s glory.

Then came a galaxy of warriors and statesman Rana Sanga, Bappa Rawal, Rana Pratap, Prithviraj Chauhan, Chatrapati Shivaji, Samabhaji, Bajirao, Chatrasal, Krishnadevraya , Lachit Badfukan , Guru Gobind Singh, Ranjitsingh who took the barbarians to task and made them realize that if there was any divine right to rule this beautiful country it was vested with HER SONS and not for people who came from other side of Himalayas. When it was just felt that freedom was in our grasp came the calamity from West and again there was a two century long independence struggle which brought us the happy-sad day of today.

It will be fully happy only when the river which hosted one of the oldest civilizations in the world and gave us our identity is back in our fold.

VANDE MATARAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!