Saturday, November 24, 2018

Guru Tegbahadur
It was today 343 years ago i.e in 1675 Guru Tegbahadur laid down his life for the cause of Dharma. The problem started from Kashmir, when Pandits were being forced by Mughal officers to accept Islam on orders of Aurangzeb. The Pandits approached Guru for their predicament, who is said to have replied that “Tell Aurangzeb that if Guru Tegbahadur converts to Islam, they will also follow suit”.
He was promptly arrested and brought to Delhi with his followers. He was put in a cage and in front of him, his followers were executed to pressurize him to change his stand.
Bhai Mati Dass was sawed alive while facing the Guru and reciting Japuji. Bhai Dayala was put in a cauldron of boiling oil but did not show any sign of grief. Bhai Sati Das was wrapped in cotton and set on fire but remained calm and peaceful.
Finally Guru Tegbahadur was asked for his approval on conversion but he refused so he was beheaded in Chandni Chowk.
Shis Ganj Gurudwara in Chandni Chowk stands at the site of Guru’s martyrdom. His legacy was equally carried forward by his son Guru Gobind Singh.
Wahe Guruji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guruji ki Fateh !!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty “

To enjoy the fruits of freedom a nation has to be always vigilant about its strengths and weakness. This is a compilation of the threats that we face today. Sadly our refusal to learn from the past still threaten us.

Geological Frontiers: Bharat’s frontiers have shrunk over the past one and half millennia. We extended from Afghanistan to Myanmar and Tibet to Lanka as a cultural entity. Afghanistan was a frontier province till 1000 CE, until all the Hindu kingdoms were smashed by Islamic invaders. The first Islamic attack happened in Sindh in 712 CE by Bin Qasim but for almost 300 years, Afghanistan held its fort. In fact the Delhi Sultanate, which is so glorified in our history, took 500 years of struggle to establish itself.  It is extremely shameful that  we are not taught about the heroic resistance that spanned for a duration of 500 years. It was a long struggle but nobody thought about these frontiers as Chanakya did 1000 years before that. If our frontiers collapse our home cannot be safe.

We did not learn anything from the mistakes of the yore and just 70 years ago we became a mute spectator to occupation of Tibet by China. In doing so we brought an adversary at our doorsteps who is now nibbling our borders. Today we are again repeating history when our shrunk frontiers in Kashmir, Assam, Bengal, North East and Kerala are under threat. What we can do as a society ? The least we can do is travel as a tourist to these frontiers, they are not only beautiful but these travels can create an awareness.

Centripetal Tendencies: In one of the interviews, General GD Bakshi made a very interesting point that all large empires or nations  had a downfall due to centripetal tendencies rather than external aggression, recent example being USSR. We have had a long history of such forces right from Ambhi of Takshshila who supported Alexander to Communists who supported Chinese in 1962 war. Today they seem to be coalescing as Breaking India forces and are active in different garbs like Maoism, Jihadis, Evangelism, Dravidianism, barriers of Caste, Language and even Human Rights. 

The clinical precision with which our society is being divided along caste lines for reservation is a recent example of it. Be it Marathas in Maharashtra, Gujjars in Rajasthan, Patels in Gujarat or Jats in Haryana. As an example in point, a guy called Purushottam Khedekar has started a movement called Shiv Dharma, in the name of Shivaji Maharaj. He claims to overthrow Hinduism with this, although Shivaji Maharaj clealy declared his kingdom as Hindavi Swarajya. A lot of Dalit activism also has sadly fallen into this trap of anti-nationalism although under the name of Dr Ambedkar who was a die-hard patriot and never compromised on his nationalistic credentials. As an aware and responsible citizen we should oppose these efforts and expose them wherever possible to avoid people falling in their traps.
Intellectual Warfare: The toughest challenge we are facing is the intellectual invasion which we are facing not only from external parties but media, academia and political class which is completely westernized. It started with invaders destroying our universities, knowledge base and reaching a crescendo during British rule when everything Bhartiya was just a bunch of rubbish. Although we gained independence in 1947, but intellectual freedom still remains distant. Several millennia old civilization is not clear what does it stand for ? If you observe closely it shows in all fields, be it education, arts, literature, economics, research, policy, politics and sports. 

We lack an overarching vision which will invigorate our public life and make us reach our potential and not just GDP growth. That vision has to be based on our Vedic heritage which is the Atma of this nation. Our Rishis have defined it, be it Swami Vivekananda, Rishi Aurobindo, Ramtirth or Swami Dayanand, they always exhorted us to follow our ancient path which was discovery of divinity in every human being and that should be the central theme of all our endeavors. As a believer of this vision, we should understand our culture deeply to realize it in future.