My last blog might have seemed ridiclulous, but similar article appeared in INDIAN EXPRESS suggesting of strategic tie up with Vietnam to counter China. But today I would like to discuss about 2 topics-:
The title might be contradictory suggesting of the sole superpower and one of the most troubled states of India. But connections do exist. Recently in a Human Right conference in USA, activists ridiculed India for it’s poor record in stopping atrocities against Dalits. The activist were members of Senate who expressed concern over the sufferings of Dalits. But the greater concern was that conversions of these backward people leads to their progress. And Indian constitution does not grant the same benefits ( read reservations) as Dalits on their converted brethren. Also so called communalists (read RSS and other NGO’s) try to revert the progress by reconversion of these Dalits. The writing on the wall is clear, American Senate members supporting the mass conversions carried out by missionaries with force or money.
Now coming to TRIPURA, everyone knows Durga puja has a large following in Eastern India and even in North East. But many states like Tripura have seen massive conversions to Christianity and rise of terrorist organizations supported by Church.
So during Durga puja these outfits make a declaration that Puja is banned in the state and who so ever defying the rule will meet the consequences. Although the connection seems weird , but when one sees the strategic location of N-E, it is perfectly located between China & India. It is also a door to South East Asia, one of the regions with most frenetic economic growth. Most of the missionaries are funded by Europe & US who then carry out the holy mission in India and also foster secessionist movements.
Fortunately this year some clubs have decided to defy such orders and carry out puja in a large scale.
Terrorists organizations have declared a ceasefire seeing the massive destruction caused in Kashmir due to quake. Their leader Salahuddin has gone far in suggesting that they must offer a helping hand to suffering people. Nothing can be described a better farce than this ploy. Terrorism has lost it’s glamour in J&K. Pakistan has been trying desperately to rekindle the local support for this movement. But every time it has faced a bitter defeat.
Now in case of such a calamity where even the cruelest of being will lend a helping hand, Pakistan is playing tricks by trying to win local sympathy. The best helping hand can be shutting down the terror network and fighting against a common enemy i.e POVERTY.
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