Tuesday, September 13, 2005

9/11 gone by.
It has been 2 days past 9/11. We all remembered how the globe changed after the incident. The hot pursuit of terrorism by the sole superpower and still the all pervasive image of Al-Qaeda. But we as Indians should have remembered one more event in a much more assertive way.

The Parliament of Religions which started on the same day in 1893 at Chicago.And our beloved Swami Vivekananda started his immortal speech as representative of Hinduism with golden words of “My American Brothers and Sisters.”
It has been said in Geeta that whenever Adharma raises it’s ugly head in this world Lord comes as a saviour. Same was the situation before the event. The British rule had strengthened it’s grip over India. People had lost their conscience and started praising the foreign yoke. Everything European was considered supreme and everything was Indian substandard to it.

But a simple graduate from Calcutta university and a disciple of the care taker of Dakshineshwar temple not only challenged all this but turned it upside down. He proudly proclaimed that I belong to a religion which has taught the world, tolerance and mutual acceptance and which always gave shelter to people from tyranny. Americans were stunned to listen and were astonished that Indians have achieved the pinnacle of thought and knowledge about the most complex problem faced by humans i.e SELF.

India too arose to acknowledge this beloved son of HERS. Everywhere Swamiji went he was welcomed and received showers of praise. India and Indians were not remain the same after this. They realized that India still carries in it’s bosom the most spectacular culture of the world and it has been again proved by this MONK. Swamiji’s speeches indirectly cultivated a feeling of pride and encouraged discontent among people about the current situation. NATIONALISM was on the rise.

It is recorded that once he said “ I clearly forsee BHARAT MATA sitting on the throne of eternal glory resplendent like never before. The future lies on us, it’s time to work”

The DREAM is still unfulfilled LET’S strive to make it a reality.

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