Friday, February 24, 2017

Who is Shiva?
It is said that best way to worship Shiva is to become Shiva himself. So the question arises is who is Shiva?
Our body is said to be made of five tatvas (elements) namely Prithvi, Aap, Tejas,Vayu and Akash. Crossing these 5 elements is Moksha. Shiva is the embodiment of Aap tatva. A yogi can only enter Aap tatva once his kundalini energy is freed. A yogi sees snake in his meditation when his kundalini is awakened. Hence Snake is the symbol of kundalini and Shiva has snakes all over his body.
A yogi entering Aap tatva sees white light, hence Shiva’s abode is Kailasa which is white, his carrier bull is white, his wife Parvati is said to be fair. Shiva is also white (karpur gauram karunavataram). A yogi with awakened kundalini gets mastery over different art forms be it music, dance, painting etc. Hence Shiva is the proponent of all art forms. A glimpse of this white is also seen in Islam and Christianity as their maulvis and pastor wear white clothes.
Such is the science behind Vedic Dharma which will enlighten the world once again.
“borrowed from Yogi Manohar’s book: Sadhana & Divyanubhuti”

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