Sunday, August 04, 2013

On Sambhaji Maharaj's martyrdom day-:
It was exactly yesterday i.e 11th March , 324 years before ,Aurangzeb brutally murdered elder son of Shivaji, Dharmveer Sambhaji Maharaj. His eyes were gouged, tongue removed and then he was hacked to pieces and thrown off to dogs. Aurangzeb had imagined that by killing the Chatrapati he could kill the freedom movement of Maharashtra.
But that was not to be, Shivaji's life and Sambhaji's martyrdom... had kindled the torch of freedom in Marathas, within 4 months Santaji Ghorpade in a daring raid took away the golden tower on Aurang's tent. Within 10 years "mountain rats" had spread from Narmada to Kaveri. Aurang lost all hopes and died an old man of 92 in Aurangabad in 1707.
The same Aurangzebi mindset still persists, with beheading of soldiers, bomb attacks and innumerable treachery. But people who do'nt learn from their history always tend to repeat it.

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