Who is Krishna ?
Much is written about Krishna and people even loosely talk about these stories (character dheela and all that) ,even missionaries use it to poke fun at Hinduism, but let me tell another point of view,
1.Krishna is derived from Karshan which means one who can harness universal energy,we think we are only the body hence cannot do it.
2. Snake is depiction of Kundalini,it is also the part of emblem of Ramkrishna Mission,when Krishna defeated him,means he mastered the Kundalini energy which every Yogi has to do.
3. When you talk of Krishna taking away clothes of Gopis,it means Vrutti haran which has to happen if a Yogi has to progress
4. 16100 are the Nadis in our body which Narkasur misuses,hence is killed by Krishna at midnight and the Nadis are freed up for moving to higher planes
5. A yogi changes the energy flow in his body i.e dhara hence the name Radha who is 36 years old when Krishna is 16,how can this be an affair,even Kabir said the same
6. The battle of Mahabharata is the battle between our good and bad values and the Kurukshetra is our own body,even Gandhiji mentioned same in his article in Young India.
Such is the advanced science in form of story in Ramayana and Mahabharata...
Jai Shree Krishna
You can check website of Vaidikvishwa for further details.