Building another AJANTA-ELLORA….
Visit to Aurangabad is like traveling down the annals of history. The ancient caves of Ajanta-Ellora, Devgiri fort, tomb of Aurangzeb & Bibi ka Muqbara (replica of Taj Mahal). The blog is about caves which are world famous. Probably no caves on the globe have caught attention as Mecca of arts & sculpture.
Any Indian monument we think of which acts as a magnet for international tourists, be it TAJ, Ajanta-Ellora or the forts have been built in medieval or ancient era. It has been sixty years since we as a nation started our journey. But we have failed to built anything which will capture the attention of world.
This is not only about monuments, but when a nation as a whole sets a goal, it unleashes the immense source of energy & innovation. The best example will be JFK’s speech in 1961 in which he specified ‘landing man on moon’ as a target for USA in decade. Different agencies stepped in, resources were mobilized, frontiers of technology were stretched to make this one thing possible which their president had set. The whole world tuned in radios when Armstrong said “ A small step for man but giant leap for mankind”. Another will be MANHATTAN project which probably had collaboration of best of the brains ever borne.
As a nation we have to set certain goals which must look impossible and put to test all the capabilities which we developed uptil now.